The Center for Medical Interoperability
Our Team:
Ian Petty, Creative Director - Chris Robinson, Graphic Designer - Katie Stephens, Graphic Designer
Ian Petty, Creative Director - Chris Robinson, Graphic Designer - Katie Stephens, Graphic Designer
We were tasked with developing creative solutions to bring the CMI brand to life in their new Nashville offices. Through 3D lettering, vinyl, paint colors and illustrations we told to story of their history and brand.
Quote from CMI Founding Chairman in reception area.
Interoperability Wall: Showing examples of interoperability in everyday life.

Before metal logo installation
CMI is self described as being the "pipes" of healthcare information and data. These pipe graphics go from floor to ceiling on their interactive Mondo Boards.
Word cloud with employees top words to describe the company
TLC signage and wi-fi indicator (4 different wi-fi networks).
Brand color pops in collaborative work area.