Starting on December 1st the calendar counted down to 2020. Each day had a new fun, quirky, or even mundane activity to complete before the end of the year. Along with each activity a fun holiday inspired illustration. Once the new year arrived the calendar was set for the rest of the year featuring fun holidays and a set of stickers to mark important dates. 
Cocoa Packaging
We know the Griswolds could have used some Hot Coca when they went to find their Christmas Tree. But Visualink's clients were treated to the secret mix to search for theirs. 
Sticker Sheet
Custom sticker sheet to mark special occasions like Happy Hour, Vacations, Taco Tuesday and your dog's Birthday. A fun piece of the design that made the calendar interactive and gave people a reason to keep it on their desk all year.
Illustration Series
Christmas Collection
Miscellaneous Collection
Christmas Movie Classic Collection
Food & Beverage Collection
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